Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Jeremy, don't read this post please :)

Everyone else, read this post please!
 I got a lot of emails, and there were comments too, asking for some way to donate money for Jeremy's pizza fund or to help with his medical bills or etc. and after talking it over with his roommate, we decided to put one up, but I just want to make things clear here for people who might feel obliged to help Jer out because of his situation.

Jeremy's medical costs are fully covered, as are his rent and basic cost of living are also handled through the same settlement. If you want to donate, it's basically going to go towards having some pocket money for pizza etc. or possibly school or games... the point is, his necessary costs are addressed. Donations are discretionary income, which is nice of course, but not the same sort of thing at all.

tl;dr Jeremy's covered for all necessities, unless you consider pizza a necessity ^_^

His roommate has rigged up a donation button with Paypal using his own account, since he's doing most of Jer's banking right now anyway and we thought he might catch wise if it started showing up on his bank slip. At the end of the month or after it passes $100, we're going to surprise him with any donations he's gotten and that should be a really fun reaction to see ^_^

Thanks to everyone who read this and who puts up comments and keeps him engaged, the last month's just radically changed him from where he was after his accident which I can't even talk about and it's very frustrating but now I've got my friend back (mostly back, I don't think he's all the way forgived me for Alien yet) and it really does mean the world to him right now. You're all heroes for keeping his spirits up (that might make me a villain, though >_>).



  1. YAY!!

    This blog is some seriously high-quality entertainment! It has all the best features of reality programming because, simply put, everything is genuinely real! Jeremy's "First Impressions" are a lot of fun to read, and his "Second Thoughts" are also not only entertaining, but surprisingly well written and insightful, particularly for someone his age.

    If you guys really wanted to get crazy with this, you could also probably make some good cash selling t-shirts, coffee mugs, etc, with memorable Jeremy-isms. The possible applications of "______ has no time for your $*&@!" are endless :-)

    1. I'm picturing a shirt with an Alien background and the caption "Good job having a ship where everything is creepy and it's always dark."

    2. You know, I would totally buy a few of those tee shirts. Especially one of Lando Calrissian post-betrayal in Bespin that quotes, "Lando this is exactly why you don't get any saxophone."

  2. There's another guy doing a similar thing: Mark Does Stuff. He makes some money off of it, dunno how much and he's internet famous. I think Jeremy can do that too, he definitely has the potential. You might wanna look it up and see what and how that guy's doing.

  3. I'd love to contribute, as a fellow grounded-with-injuries person I definitely sympathize. Also, I was going to suggest that if there are any movies that he wants to see that are in my collection of regular old DVDs which are now collecting dust since the upgrade to Blu-ray, I'd be happy to donate them. Just let me know.

  4. You may be able to monetize the blog at some point.

  5. I'll suggest it again: http://www.patreon.com/

    It's for people that consistently produce small-ish things, often for free, so that people can help them continue doing so. And no ads! It seems like a perfect fit for what Noise is doing here.

    1. I looked at Patreon, but it looks like it has a Kickstarter type reward structure. If I'm wrong, let me know; I'd like to get the best thing possible set up for Jer and neither I nor his roommate are super well versed in this sort of thing.

  6. When Jeremy starts to play video games, will it be on the computer or a console? Because if it's on a computer, you should definitely get him a Steam account and people could send him games.
